Markle Services, LLC


Dr. Markle


Phone calls are preferred. To schedule an appointment, please call the office at 512.766.6732. Texting is not a feature of the appointment line. Please allow one to two business days for response. Thank you for your patience. 

NOTE: Our convenience to text or email each other is acknowledged; however, Dr. Markle is typically with patients all day and inconsistently available via email, and texting is not a feature on the phone line. Further, psychological services are a very personal experience, requiring appropriate arrangements for protection of health information (HIPAA and PHI).

Established patients may send secure messages via our patient portal You will be provided a PIN number or link to the portal when you schedule your appointment.

Prior to your initial consultation

If you have any questions before initiating treatment or following up on your physician referral, Dr. Markle offers a complimentary 15 minute consultation. Please call to request a consultation, if you prefer this option before scheduling your assessment.


Patients are encouraged to call their insurance companies to know your benefits.

We strongly encourage patients contact their insurance providers prior to the initial consultation appointment so they understand what insurance will cover.

Your insurance company must inform you whether you have outstanding deductibles (which means you pay out of pocket at a contracted rate), inform you if you have a copay or coinsurance that will be due at your office visit, as well as any pre-authorizations required before your office visit.

If you hope to use insurance for an assessment, be sure to know whether your policy covers neuropsychological and psychological assessment.

Dr. Markle cannot guarantee insurance coverage and reimbursement. Health insurance has become increasingly complex and changes often. Insurance companies may process claims differently than the estimate of benefits they provide our office. Patients will be responsible for services not covered, regardless of circumstances. Patients will be required to accept a financial agreement.

If you are out of network, we will provide you a SuperBill to submit to your insurance. SuperBills allow patients to get partial reimbursement from your insurance, and varies based on your insurance policy. Dr. Markle has no ability to determine out of network payments, and you must communicate directly with your insurance company.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR WELLMED MEMBERS who have UnitedHealthCare insurance: We understand UnitedHealthCare is informing patients Dr. Markle is in-network. Please know: Dr. Markle is an out-of-network provider with WellMed. We do not have a contract with that third party company. WellMed contracts with UnitedHealthCare, but Dr. Markle’s UnitedHealthCare contract does not cover services for WellMed members. You are welcome to get an assessment out-of-network, and we are happy to provide an estimate and a SuperBill for you to submit for out-of-network services. However, we are unable to process in-network benefits and file claims for WellMed members.

➤ location

2630 Exposition Blvd Suite G12

Austin, TX 78703

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

Office hours vary according to psychotherapy, assessment appointments and hospital consultation schedules

☎ Contact

512.766.4632 office (phone line does not support texting)


Email is not a feature for prospective patients.

Email is utilized for administrative purposes only - after patients are established and provide written/electronic authorization.

 Established patients may use the patient portal: